Calmeyer Lawyer 1s

Calmeyer’s Legacy

Hans Calmeyer Righteous Gentile 1903-1972

“The Dutch Schindler”

 Lawyer for Life



Relativism EscherRelativityLarge

Moral Relativism is a most insidious form of relativism which has nothing to do with physics and everything to do with the weakening of the mind. Moral Standards and proper definitions of reality require measurement and a sense of right and wrong, not some relativistic impression of how one wrong is more or less wrong than another.

Good is good and evil is evil. Western Civilization is losing its ability to discern the difference, and willfully so. Even people who may accept that there is good and evil, do not want to be judgmental about that vis-a-vis anyone else.

How shall we ever know what is True? There may be room to disagree on the magnitude of goods and evils, but cutting off debate in favor of blissful ignorance is no solution. Unpleasant realities are not made better by leaving them to fester, in fact they generally get worse, as the entropy deteriorates when left on its own, and chaos does not organize itself.

Choosing utopian thinking is free will at its best, ignoring reality at will. But it is also fundamentally stupid. And it is fundamentally a statement that the thinker does not care about the world or other people enough to come to conclusions about others that might be considered judgmental. The thinker saves his own reputation by not expressing a potentially politically incorrect view, and more importantly, no one takes action to remedy an evil.

This is willful apathy, and it can only last so long before someone else (the evil side) takes full advantage of the vacuum and exploits the opportunity.

Michael Calmeyer Hentschel

 The Moral Disarmament of the Civilized World

There are two ways to disarm a people.  You can disarm them by taking away their weapons, or you can disarm  their minds by taking away their willingness and ability to fight back. Disarming a people by confiscating their weapons is a weak solution,  because people can always make or smuggle new weapons. And without  weapons they can still use their numbers and their fists. They can  continue fighting so long as they believe that they have the right to  defend themselves.

And that is the far great disarmament, the disarmament not of bodies, but of minds. The  disarmament of the moral right of self-defense by convincing entire  peoples that they are the perpetrators and their attackers are the  victims. And that in any case self-defense is futile. That it is better  to be quiet, to keep your head down, to learn to get along, to hope that your leaders make whatever deals are necessary to keep the peace, and  to replace them with even more spineless leaders if they don't.

Daniel Greenfield

It important to delineate briefly what relativism is and what the  issues are on this important topic. Let us first consider the polar  opposite of relativism: absolutism. The absolutist believes that man's mind, employing reason (which according to some absolutists is divinely  inspired, according to others is given by nature), is capable of  discovering and knowing truth: including the truth about reality, and  the truth about what is best for man and best for himself as an  individual.

The relativist denies this, denies that man's reason is capable of  knowing truth, and does so by claiming that rather than being absolute,  truth is relative to something else.

Ludwig Van Mises Institute: Friday, July 11, 2008 by

Relativism EscherRelativityLarge