Calmeyer Lawyer 1s
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Hans Calmeyer Legacy

 Righteous Gentile 1903-1972

“Lawyer for Life”

Population Control


What is the value of life in a world where population growth is deemed to be out of control? The problem worldwide is not entirely the 7 Billion people that continue to grow in number, but the uneven distribution of those people in areas that have either too little water or too little in other resources, particularly energy. Technology, such as nuclear and renewables, will overcome the latter in time, but water is hard to move to where it is needed. Macro and now nano-pollution, by plastics and medicines as well as wastes, threaten a great deal of the available freshwater supply.

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Calmeyer was not aware of overpopulation concerns in the world, but he worked for declared seekers of Jewish eradication, and he fought them valiantly.

In cases of overpopulation, wars and disease have sadly been “efficient” ways to reduce excess population growth in the past, and paradoxically many of the most acute population problems have been in regions of relative peace, albeit usually an enforced dictatorial peace. In such regions, natural migration to reduce overpopulation is also restricted.

Today’s largest population growth is among Muslims, and this is by Islamic design and management, following a philosophy/religion of ultimate conquest through demographics, and through dhimmitude enslavement for non-believers. This is unlike the second-fastest-growth population of believers, the Hindus, which does not purport to be a conquering religion. However, the two are of course diametrically at odds in the India-Pakistan flashpoints as well as in Malaysia. Christianity in some respects is still a rapidly-growing religion, but it is less population-based or racial, the new Christian growth is largely within some of the largest populations in the world, competing with Islam and Hindus from within and without.

Gus Speth argues, in The Bridge at the End of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and  Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability, that "In the end, what  has to be modified is the open-ended commitment to aggregate economic  growth--growth that is consuming environmental and social capital, both  in short supply." We disagree with that here (see our pages on capitalism, which develops available capital, which is still boundless, and develops available resources, which are generally not in shortage, and develops the potential of life, rather than seeking to limit the effects of life). But sustainability is a valid goal until good management and technology can expand available resources to properly serve human and ecological needs. That capitalism has seen excesses is undeniable, but they are small compared to the human excesses of Hitlerian National Socialism and centralized despotism through the ages.

So back to the question of our common-denominator question on this Calmeyer-inspired website: Why save lives when there are deemed to be too many lives already?

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