National Socialism in Germany was socialism combined with fascistic nationalism, militaristic control and strength, law and order through a police state, populace control from young to old via youth corps and centralized social programs and benefits. The State essentially ran all private business, without exactly taking ownership but effectively able to make all key decisions by proxy.
When Hitler defeated all opposition to his National Socialists in 1933, he had already written Mein Kampf, which as a pre-quel outlined just about everything he would subsequently do. People simply chose to believe what they wanted to hear. Hitler only wrote Mein Kampf after studying Islam with his Egyptian acquaintances. As Geert Wilder said in one of his speeches: “ No wonder that Winston Churchill called Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ “the new Quran of faith and war, turgid, verbose, shapeless, bur pregnant with its message”. As you know, Churchill made this comparison, between the Koran and Mein Kampf, in his book ‘The Second World War’, a master piece, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Churchill’s comparison of the Quran and ‘Mein Kampf’ is absolutely spot on. The core of the Quran is the call to jihad. Jihad means a lot of things and is Arabic for battle. Kampf is German for battle. Jihad and kampf mean exactly the same.”
Is it any wonder that Jihadi (Mein Kampf) is the most popular book in the Middle East today?