Calmeyer Lawyer 1s

Hans Calmeyer Righteous Gentile 1903-1972

“Dutch Schindler”

 Lawyer for Life



Danger is not a game, nor is it imaginary. The next massive attack on a concentrated population of Jews is likely to be nuclear. Let there be no doubt that the enemy would use the bomb(s) against Christians and all others just as well. Civilization must prevent a second Holocaust, just as it must be ready to prevent genocide and tyranny in all its forms.In that sense, Israel and the Jews are just the canaries in the shaft: threats to western civilization, threats from self-avowed cultures of death to cultures of life, are threats to all, and we think of the famous Dietrich Bonhoffer aphorism that evil will eventually come for all the good people in the world after various subgroups, Jews and then Christians, are eliminated.

The light of freedom and civilization stands in the way of tyranny. Totalitarian tyranny follows an ideology implemented by vicious greedy men to seize power. The dictators seek to put out whatever light still shines in Western Judeo-Christian Civilization, for fear that any light will persist and spread. When you wipe out the last resistance, a culture of death can take over from what was once a thriving culture of life.

Tyranny is the endgame of Tyrants who want to dictate their way to everyone else. Naturally, utopians who do not get their way accuse everyone else of evil tendencies and policies in a form of projection of their own preferences and feelings

The Muslim Way of Long Term Victory

Muslims are advancing as they face slow-reproduction-rates and a lack of will by the inhabitants of countries in which they are at first a minority and then through intimidation and social services slowly get the upper hand and institute Sharia Law.

At one time Lebanon was primarily a Christian County. So was Ethiopia.  Ethiopia is going the way of Lebanon. It is the same with Nigeria. Muslims have a clear plan, which is illustrated in how countries are taken over:

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given  country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a  threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films,  stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over  the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase  lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris  car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in  uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam - Mohammed cartoons).

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia  formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia - Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and  other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

100% will usher in the peace of Dar-es-Salaam “the Islamic House of Peace” assumed peace because everybody is a Muslim:


From an Art History Site called

Alexander, whom posterity styles "the Great", was twenty-three  years old when he and his Greek troops encountered an adversary old  enough to be his father, King Darius III of Persia. Battle was  joined on the plain of Issus, an old Mediterranean port near what is  now the Turkish-Syrian border, in 333 BC. The brilliant Alexander, a  pupil of the philosopher Aristotle, managed to break into the  Persian left flank. He is said to have looked so piercingly into  Darius's eyes that the Persian king fled. His troops panicked and  the massacre that ensued lasted until late that night.

During the battle Darius's mother, wife and children were captured.  Alexander treated them honourably, which earned him the respect of  the Persians. As hostages, however, they did influence Darius's  behaviour. Yet, when Darius showed readiness to compromise,  Alexander refused his offer. His decision made world history. He  wanted to conquer Persia, but much more he wanted to rule the world:  "Should you desire to know what my aim is, you should know that the  bounds of my new Empire will be those that God has set the earth."  After defeating Darius a second time, he conquered Egypt, the  kingdom of Babylon and eastern Persia, calling himself the "King of  all Asia." He drove the borders of his vast empire far beyond what  is now Pakistan, all the way east to India and the banks of the  River Bias. His victories were not merely political. More  importantly, he carried Hellenic culture with him everywhere he  went. He also promoted religious tolerance, including of Judaism.  Napoleon thought highly of him, admiring in particular Alexander's  ability to win the hearts of the peoples he conquered.

Albrecht Altdorfer was the first great painter to take landscape as  his exclusive subject matter. He represented the historic Battle of  Issus as one of his contemporaries, the German physician and scholar  Paracelsus, might have viewed it: an epic struggle of life and death  fought out on a cosmic scale, whose drama is reflected in the  swirling clouds above and the endless vista bevond.

Many of Schedel's and Altdorfer's contemporaries were tormented  by the fear that the world was coming to an end. Even Luther  believed it. One of Luther's commensals reported: "the following day  he again spoke much of the Day of Judgement and of the end of the  world, for he has been troubled by many terrible dreams of the Last  Judgement this half year past ..." On another occasion Luther  complained: "Dear Lord, how this world is reduced ... It is drawing  to a close." Or: "When I slept this afternoon I dreamt the Day of  Judgement came on the day of Paul's conversion."

Dreams, premonitions and prophecies of the end of the world were fed  not only by calculations based on the "seven days" premise, as in  Schedel's work. Calculations of an entirely different order, those  of the prophet Daniel, seemed to point in the same direction. He had  predicted that four kingdoms would come and go, before the com-ing  of the kingdom of the Lord. The four kingdoms were thought to be  Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. This was problematic, however, for  the Roman Empire had long since passed away. A route out of the  quandary -was found by propounding that Rome still existed - in the  form of the papacy. By Luther's time, however, the papacy was so  much gone to seed that it really did seem on its last legs. Luther:  "Daniel saw the world as a series of kingdoms, those of the  Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. These have passed away.  The papacy may have preserved the Roman Empire, but that was its  parting cup; now that, too, is gone into decline."

This comment, along with other examples of Luther's "table-talk",  was recorded in 1532, four years after Altdorfer began work on his  painting. Altdorfer was undoubtedly aware of the eschatalogical  preoccupations of his contemporaries. As a member of the leading  body of the town in which he lived, he was forced constantly to deal  with questions relating to the church.
If we take for granted that Altdorfer knew of these things, and that  he, too, sensed what it was to live at the end of Time, then the sky  over the Battle of Issus assumes a new meaning. In the original  work, the sky was bigger; the painting was reduced in size at a  later date when strips were cut from all four sides, with the  largest section removed from the top. The moon, too, originally  stood further from the corner of the painting. Even in its present  size, however, the sky covers more than a third of the painting's  surface. With its sharply contrasting lights and darks, dynamic  congregation of clouds and sun reflected in the sea, it suggests the  occurence of an extraordinary event.


battle of alexander endgame

From the apocalyptic painting of Albrecht Altdorfer in 1534. See also The Battle of Alexander site and The Clash in these pages.


The exact nature of this event was expounded by Daniel: the second  of the kingdoms anticipated by God and prophesied by Daniel cedes,  near Issus, to the third, as the Greeks defeat the Persians.  However, the change of power is, at the same time, a stage further  on the world clock, a step closer to the impending end of the world.  Viewed in this way, The Battle of Issus had a direct bearing  upon the present.

It is thought that Wilhelm IV wanted the painting to celebrate the  grandeur of the individual. He wanted a Renaissance painting. What  he got was a work whose view of the world was dominated in equal  parts by new ideas and medieval tradition: even the cleverest and  boldest of individuals cannot decide the course of world history -  that is the province of God alone.

battle of alexander full