Calmeyer Lawyer 1s

Hans Calmeyer Righteous Gentile 1903-1972

“Dutch Schindler”

 Lawyer for Life

Sharia Law


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It is the duty of all Muslims to keep striving that all Governments have been converted to Sharia Law.

By infiltration or by conquest, Sharia (or hariah) is being introduced or imposed around the globe. It is a religious system of law which, among other things, condemns women to oppression and non-believers to dhimmitude suppression. And unfortunately, despite its obvious dictatorial and even fascist elements, there are many many sympathizers even in the legal profession, who somehow find the central control elements and disciplines alluring. The opposing systems of law, western civilization versus Islam, are a part of the sharpening conflict of law. The World Trade Center 911 disaster was not unrelated to Islam’s reaching out in this clash of civilizations. Hans Calmeyer would have opposed these trends with every fiber of his being. He resisted, at danger to his own life, the Nazi abuse of the law.

Elena Kagan to bring a pro-Shariah Law view to the US Supreme Court:

1. PRO-SHARIAH MISSION: With Kagan’s direction, Harvard’s Islamic Legal Studies Program developed a mission statement (here on  9/2008, also 6/2009) dedicated to promote a deep appreciation of  Islamic law as one of the world’s major legal systems. That mission  statement guided her actions and those whom she directed as Dean.

Under Kagan’s direction, her chief staff at the Islamic Legal Studies Program aggressively expanded non-critical studies of Shariah law fulfilling  her mission to promote a deep appreciation of Islamic law. In 2003,  the year Kagan became Harvard Law School Dean, Islamic Legal Studies  Program Founding Director Frank Vogel and Associate Director Peri  Bearman founded the Massachusetts-based International Society for  Islamic Legal Studies. In 2007, Bearman and Vogel founded the Islamic  Law Section of the Association of American Law Schools (inaugural panel  audio here).

2. PRO-SHARIAH MONEY: When Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal offered $10 million to New York Cit’s Rudy Guiliani on October  11, 2001, Guiliani refused to accept it, because the prince insisted  that U.S. policies in the middle east were responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attack. Guiliani stated flatly, There is no moral equivalent  for this act.€ť But when Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal offered $20  million to the Islamic Legal Studies Program in December 2005  Kagan  accepted it; after all, the Saudi royal family had funded the program  since its inception, to establish the moral and legal equivalency  between Shariah law and U.S. Constitutional law. As Newt Gingrich has noted, Harvard Law School currently has three chairs endowed by Saudi  Arabia, including one dedicated to the study of Islamic sharia law.

In 2001 Guiliani made a decision not to accept Talal’s blood money; In  2005, Kagan made a decision not just to accept it, but to implement Talal’s policies at Harvard.

And not just at Harvard. As reported earlier this year, Kagan is the main reason why the Supreme Court  ruled against the 9/11 families€ť in a suit filed by thousands of 9/11  family members that traced funding for the 19 hijackers to certain Saudi royals, along with banks, corporations and Islamic charities. Kagan, as Obama’s Solicitor General, said in her brief that the princes are  immune from petitioners’ claims€ť and that the families’ claims that the  Saudis helped to finance the plots fell outside the scope of the legal parameters for suing foreign governments or leaders.

Let’s  review Kagan’s decisions so far: she actively solicits Saudi financing  to promote Shariah law in the U.S.; she actively protects Saudi  financial backers for terrorism against the U.S., as being immune from claims by 9/11 families.

Christine Brim Aug 4th 2010

3. PROMOTING THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AND SHARIAH CONSTITUTIONS: In December, 2006, Kagan hired Noah Feldman, architect of Iraq’s  Constitution requiring Shariah, as a star faculty member at Harvard Law  School. On March 16, 2008, Feldman published his controversial article  Why Shariah€ť in the New York Times Magazine, which promoted Islamists€ť -  the Muslim Brotherhood as a progressive democratic party, and promoted Shariah as a model not just for  Muslim-majority countries but for all: In fact, for most of its  history, Islamic law offered the most liberal and humane legal  principles available anywhere in the world.  The article was adapted  from his book The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State, which was  published in late March, 2008.

On September 16, 2008, Kagan whole-heartedly endorsed Feldman’s  promotion of the Muslim Brotherhood and Shariah by honoring him with the endowed Bemis Chair in International Law. Feldman’s speech on receiving the award was revealing: he advocated for an  international, outward interpretation€ť of the Constitution that could  require the U.S. to confer rights on citizens of other nations, and  allow for an experimental Constitution.

As to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist worldwide political  organization that Feldman and Kagan support? Their motto is as revealing as Feldman’s speech:

Allah is our objective. The Prophet is  our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of  Allah is our highest hope.

Given that slogan, you could well ask if Feldman really meant the Muslim Brotherhood when he wrote about Islamists” in the  book Kagan so admired that she gave him an endowed chair.  And he  anticipated that question; in the second footnote in his book he states, Throughout this book, when I refer to Islamists or Islamism, I have in mind mainstream Sunni Muslim activists loosely aligned with the  ideology of the transnational Muslim Brotherhood (MB) the Brotherhood  broadly embraces electoral politics, but without eschewing the use of  violence in some circumstances, notably against those whom it defines as invaders in Iraq and Palestine.

So let’s review.  Kagan made the decision to honor Feldman, author of big-lie€ť forms of pro-Shariah propaganda, supporter of the Muslim  Brotherhood,  with an endowed chair.  Feldman states flatly that the  Muslim Brotherhood, whom he admires, does not “eschew the use of  violence against those whom it defines as invaders in Iraq and  Palestine  Kagan’s financial backer, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, insisted that the U.S. policies in the Middle East, specifically in Israel and Palestine were a cause of the 9/11 attacks .  Like the Muslim Brotherhood, the Prince did not eschew the use of  violence against the U.S.  And when 9/11 families sued the Saudi  royals who funded the September 11, 2001 use of violence€ť against the  U.S., Kagan used her power as Solicitor General to protect the group  that had been her financial backers at Harvard.

But wait.  There’s more.

4. PROMOTING SHARIAH IN CONSTITUTIONS WORLDWIDE: On  May 1, 2007, Kagan initiated a lecture series on Shariah Law, named for  Abd al-Razzaq al-Sanhuri, a legal scholar who had drafted constitutions  throughout the Middle East between the 1930s and 1960s.  There are  literally dozens of legal reformers throughout the Muslim world that she could have chosen; but she chose al-Sanhuri.

Sanhuri’s entire career was dedicated to making sure that the civil  and criminal legal codes throughout the Middle East were  Shariah-compliant.  He drafted the laws that ensured Shariah law took  precedence over secular laws.  As much as any single individual, he was  responsible for the legal drafting for the Constitutionalization” of  Shariah in previously secular Muslim-majority nations in the 20th  century, in concert with the political pressure for Shariah by the  Muslim Brotherhood, and the financial pressure for Shariah by the Saudi  Royal Family.

As legal scholar Enid Hill wrote in her biography of al-Sanhuri, The outlines of the future dialectic  are thus able to be detected if al-Sanhuri’s specifications are  followed: Islamic legal theory versus Western legal rules, and when the  Western rules reflect a different underlying theory they are to be  eliminated and new rules put in their place, rules that are reflective  of Islamic legal theory.  (h/t Andy Bostom)  Or as al-Sanhuri states  himself in his book The Arab Civil Code, The goal towards which I am striving is that there will be an Arab civil code derived primarily from the Islamic Sharia.

Kagan presided over four of the al-Sanhuri lectures before her departure to become Obama’s Solicitor General


Kagan consistently used her position at Harvard to promote and  legitimate the introduction of Shariah provisions into national  constitutions, and indeed into Supreme Courts of other nations.  In  Pakistan, her influence is having dire consequences.

On November 19, 2008, Elena Kagan presented the Harvard Law School Medal of Freedom to Iftikhar Chaudhry, the controversial Chief Justice of Pakistan. Chaudry had been deposed from his post in 2007 by President General  Pervez Musharraf in a complex dispute that included the issue of  independence of the judiciary. Musharraf later resigned, and on March  16, 2009, the Prime Minister Gilani  re-appointed Chaudhry as Chief  Justice.

As noted by Department of Defense attorneys from the Clinton and Reagan eras, Kagan’s honoree has mounted a Shariah judicial coup:

Contrary to the constitution of  Pakistan, Chaudhry usurped the right of appointment of vacancies in the court from the elected prime minister and president. In a previous  ruling, Chaudhry reaffirmed the right of the court to disqualify members of Parliament, the president and all ministers of the cabinet from  serving if they violate Islamic injunctions,€ť or do not engage in  teaching and practices, obligatory duties prescribed by Islam.

The U.S. Senate had the evidence it needed to vote NOT to confirm  Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. A vote for Kagan was a vote to bring  Shariah to the highest court of the land.

Elena Kagan is fifty years old.  She could easily serve to the age of eighty or longer.  Her confirmation to the Supreme Court will begin a  thirty-years legal war to protect the Constitution against Shariah.

Christine Brim Aug 4th 2010

Click on the graphic link below for an insight into the vast institution of “interest-free” Shariah Finance, started by the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970’s and dedicated to the elimination of Capitalism:

 ... over $1 Trillion of Shariah investments today pay ~6% to approved Islamic Charities of unknown nature.

Shariah Finance
sharia law duty of every Muslim